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Heart Head Body Therapy


Heart Head Body Therapy is a process of using different  therapies  to  allow the communication between these three areas which in turn can  bring about specific effects in the body on a positive way. The scientific research highlights the positive effect when using these together. It can help many areas of our lives.

Heart: Our Heart does not only have a physiological effect on our body, such as pumping blood round the body, but recent research shows that the heart has its own intelligence which connects to the head.  The heart Maths Institute has researched this area for over 20 years and has found that when we can gain heart coherence which is achieved by sending a signal to the brain through emotional feeling created by the heart which in turn creates a physical reaction on the body, such as lowering stress and anxiety. The heart is also where we can connect to our higher self through our spiritual heart centre.

Head:  Our head is where all beliefs, behaviours, habits, mind-set and conscious and subconscious thoughts are formed. Learning how to recognize these and learning skills on how to be the director of your own mind through consciously connecting to the heart centre and listening to the body. You are able to help change beliefs, behaviour, habits and any other area that is not serving you. When we can control our mind we can connect to our higher self through our spiritual centre in the mind.

The thoughts we think in our Mind, and the emotions we feel in the Heart, give form and substance to the physical reality we experience as life.

Body: The body is more than just made of biological systems, there's so much research on the connection between the mind and the body and how we can change the physiology of our body with both heart and head connection. The body can also affect the heart and the mind by changing its physical state through posture, pain and touch sensation. When we learn how to tune in and listen to our body to more subtle changes we are able to detected if we need to shift our emotions or thinking. We can also learn how to use energy within our body to help connect to our higher self through our spiritual centre throughout the body.

The principles of the therapies 

  1. Connect with your heart

  2. Observe your mind

  3. Listen to your body

  4. Belief in the big something ( the universe, divine, source god what ever is bigger than just yourself)

The human body is a communications device, perceiving the thoughts, feelings, and images in the Mind and sending information back to source through the Heart. These are all influenced by a higher consciousness (God, the universe, source, the divine or any other beliefs you have).

Life is a series of images and feelings gathered in the Mind in an ordered and coherent fashion.  The Body is the instrument that tells us which thoughts are being given notice to in the Mind, and the heart gives the quality of the feelings that are giving  to those thoughts. When we learn to use these principles  in every area of life we find balance and empowerment.

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